24/7 Emergency Tree Service Response Team!

When a storm or natural disaster impacts your property and causes trees or tree limbs to fail or tear out, your property is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY!
Let me explain a little more...
Yes, your homeowners insurance or auto coverage has to cover certain damage to your property from downed trees but first, an adjustor has to be able to assess damages. Often times, a homeowners first call is to an adjustor but they get told something to the extent of... "We can't assess the damages until the tree or tree limb is out of there!" That's where we come in!
When a tree or tree limb has fallen on your home or property deemed covered by Homeowners/Auto Insurance, it is the homeowners responsibility to hire a contractor YOU TRUST to perform emergency services in order to prevent further damage to your home or property! YOU DO NOT HAVE TO WAIT FOR MULTIPLE ESTIMATES. YOU ARE LEGALLY ENTITLED TO RECEIVE EMERGENCY SERVICES WHENEVER YOU DEEM NECESSARY TO PREVENT FURTHER DAMAGE TO YOUR PROPERTY.

Emergency tree services should NOT BE PERFORMED by inexperienced or un-insured run-of-the-mill tree guys. Emergency tree services should be handled by professionals with the knowledge and experience of both the actual emergency service being provided as well as the billing and administrative process to be able to provide these emergency services at little cost to the homeowner. In fact, most of the time, homeowners end up paying less out of pocket costs when they hire a reputable company with experience in billing insurance carries for emergency claims, rather than not filing a claim at all and paying Joe-Shmoe out of pocket to get on his roof with a chainsaw to cut and throw pieces off the roof.
Knock 'Em Down Tree Service works directly with all major insurance carriers to provide emergency tree services for homeowners. If you or someone you know needs Emergency Tree Services in Beaver County, Lawrence County, Butler County or Columbiana County, please fill out our Emergency Work Order and Direct Payment Request Form - AND - scroll to our contact page below and call our 24/7 Emergency Tree Service Hotline for the quickest response time, day or night. DO NOT WAIT!

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